Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Generic Research: Case Study 1 (1975)

 'Me & You Together Song' - The 1975

The video for 'Me & You Together' by The 1975 pays homage to the 2000s era, reflecting the upbeat pop style of the Noughties. The video depicts several scenes of two people coming together and pursuing romantic endeavours. There are multiple narratives that follow this sequence: two people meeting at a party, neighbouring teenagers seeing each other through their bedroom windows and several other couples at the party. Alongside these narratives, The 1975 also perform the song, this performance of which eventually merges with the multiple narrative as the lead singer- Matty Healy, crowd surfs the party whilst still singing the song.

1) Opening Shots

The video opens with one of the leading narrative characters playing a CD, and the song subsequently begins. I really was fond of this idea and like how it reflects the 2000s atmospheric tone the rest of the video embodies.

2) Band Performance

The video also nicely ties in the narrative with a fun lively performance from the band- exhibiting their star qualities as performers. The 1975 are also known for their live performances and quirky concerts, which is reflected here. 
I really like the use of a split diopter shot which retains both the close up of Healy and the band in the background in focus. 

3) Film Camera 

Towards the end of the video, in the party scene, the audience is shown a shot of someone with a camera and then given a brief slideshow of film photography. This not only reflects the zeitgeist of the 2000s that the 1975 are wishing to emulate but is a very satisfying and cohesive stylistic choice.

Similarly, across the video we get brief clips and close ups presumably taken on camcorder, which is implied through the grainy and handheld shots.

4) Mise-en-Scene + Editing

The video has consistent uses of cohesive aesthetics and lighting, with symmetrical shots and maximalist settings. There is also a merge between performance and narrative as the video endures, it eventually all intertwines- representing the chaotic nature of the mv. The video also features fast-paced editing and mobile camerawork.

5) Intertextuality

Throughout the video, there are several layers of intertextuality scattered throughout different scenes. For example in a couple of the 'adolescent bedrooms' there are posters of iconic 2000s pop culture such as Sinead O'Connor, Bjork, Evil Dead. Also spread across the floor there are copies of DAZED magazine and many intertextual references can be found in the t-shirts worn by characters (Play-boy, Superman, Von-Dutch..). In the final party scene, if fans look closely, 'easter eggs' can be found graffitied on the walls- these are either lyrics to the song, the bands name or secret messages.

6) Post-Modernism

Once the song ends, the video encompasses an arguably 'post-modern' ending where the camera dollies out to reveal the man-made sets and filming equipment. All of the actors and extras also begin to depart and clap, presumably celebrating the 'wrap' of filming.

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